Another DisruptHR Indy event in the books! It was awesome. Another sellout as well. All 3 events have been!
Check out DisruptHR Facebook & Twitter.
How about a huge shout out to those that make these events possible: Kymberli Findley, Deb Lang , Andrea Brummett & Julie Barker!
The idea of DisruptHR is to create an environment where HR executives, business leaders and owners can get together and basically “throw the book out the window”. The idea is to challenge the status quo, discuss new and refreshing ideas, better ways to do things.
Think opposite of “that’s how it’s always been done”.
The event includes a series of speakers with non-traditional guidelines: each speaker gets 5 minutes and slides auto-changing every 15 seconds. It’s fast, informative and fun.
I had the pleasure of presenting at DisruptHR Indy 2.0. It was an awesome experience! I enjoyed this event not having to worry about speaking.
Here is a list of my favorite quotes from each speaker!
(This is not a DisruptHR “sponsored” blog. There were also drinks involved at the event. In other words, I can’t guarantee 100% accuracy!)
Deseri Garcia – Vida Aventura: Engagucation: You Talkin’ to Me?
- If we don’t keep up with the needs of our constituents…we’ll lose them.
- “Like bite-size milky ways without the calories!”
Ryan Larcom – High Alpha: Radical Transparency: How to Build More Productive Teams from Day 1.
- Advocates “Radical Transparency” for businesses and leaders.
- Vulnerability must be modeled.
Aman Brar – Canvas: Your Candidates are Texting. Stop Playing Phone Tag.
- When you call someone…they think the house is on fire!
- Imagine if match or bumble required phone calls instead of message.
Paul Rothwell – SmartIT: Addition by Subtraction.
- Embrace good turnover: Addition by subtraction.
- “We’re all going to miss doing your work for you”
Jacob Bracken – PERQ: What “Baring it All” Did for My Team.
- Be transparent with financial results. Build trust. Empower.
- For best results: Bare it all!
Andrea Butcher – HRD Advisory Group: We have WAY Over-complicated Human Resources. Stop It!
- “Why we got into HR is not how we’re viewed”
- Be the change you want to see in HR.
- The human spirit will always trump the bottom line. The core is caring for people.
Sally Perkins – Story Performer & Speaking Coach: Storytelling and the Art of Organizational Maintenance
- The “conscious mind” doesn’t motivate and/or inspire
- Must activate the “primal mind”.
- Do this by telling stories!
Angi Stocklin – One Click Internet Ventures: Creating a Culture of Failure
- Create a culture of failure.
- Fail Fast. Learn from it.
Devta Kidd – Monarch Media: Crazy Adjacent. Tap Into Your Inner Irrationality.
- Course corrections don’t create transformational leaps. Discomfort is your friend!
- Don’t dismiss crazy. Embrace what is NEXT to your crazy idea.
David Anderson – Performant Solutions: Burn the Boring Job Descriptions.
- Candidates are consumers.
- Inspire. Motivate. Paint a picture. Be uncommon.
- Be as interesting as the resumes you want to see.
Alexandra Rufatto-Perry – Practically Speaking: WTH. Stop Wasting My Tim.
- WTH: Why To How
- Why for me? Why for them? Why for the company?
- To who are we talking? (or is it to “whom”?)
- How do we prepare? How do we show up? How do we follow-up?
- Prepare for the “Oh Shi$” questions!
There you have it. Already looking forward to the next one!
What were your favorite Takeaways?
Thank you to Foyt Wine Vault for hosting. It was my first time there, I’ll be back!